Principles of Modern Radar: Volume 3: Radar Applications (2024)

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Principles of Modern Radar: Volume 3: Radar Applications (1)

Editors:William L. Melvin1; James A. Scheer1

Publication Year:2013

This third and final volume in the Principles of Modern Radar series brings all the fundamentals and advanced techniques of the prior volumes to their logical conclusion by presenting the applications of radar. This unique book provides in-depth discussions of the most important areas in current radar practice, serving primarily radar practitioners and advanced graduate students. For those needing to become experts in an advanced technology or application area, Radar Applications should be the foundation of their research before they tackle in-depth, single topic advanced books and literature. These advanced books are suggested at the end of each chapter to guide readers toward the best published works. Principles of Modern Radar: Radar Applications provides concise descriptions of the purposes, principal issues, and radar methods found in a wide variety of current radar types with military, commercial, and civilian uses. These types of radar include continuous wave (CW) radar, weather and air traffic control, pulse Doppler, fire control, ground moving target indication, and unconventional applications such as materials and ground penetrating radar. This book combines the best attributes of edited and single-author references. It draws on the expertise of authors from academia and industry, active in both teaching and ongoing research. These specialists provide greater depth and experience over the broad range of radar topics than could any single author. As with the entire Principles of Modern Radar series, this book was community reviewed by experts from around the world for coherence and consistency.

Inspec keywords: remote sensing by radar;radar applications;radar signal processing

Other keywords: foliage-penetrating radar;ground-based early warning radar;fire-control radar;MMW radar applications;multifunction phased array radar systems;modern radar;airborne pulse-Doppler radar;MMW radar characteristics;continuous wave radar;passive bistatic radar;ballistic missile defense radar;police radar;ground-penetrating radar;GBEWR;surface moving target indication;space-based SAR;remote sensing;air traffic control radar;weather radar;signal processing algorithms

Subjects:Geophysical techniques and equipment;General electrical engineering topics;Signal processing and detection;Instrumentation and techniques for geophysical, hydrospheric and lower atmosphere research;Radar and radionavigation;Conference proceedings;Radar and radiowave systems (military and defence)

  • Front Matter
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. (1)
  • 1Radar Applications
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. 1–16(16)

      Radio detection and ranging (radar) involves the transmission of an electromagnetic wave to a potential object of interest, scattering of the wave by the object, receipt of the scattered energy at the receive site, and signal processing applied to the received signal to generate the desired information product. Originally developed to detect enemy aircraft during World War II, radar has through the years shown diverse application, not just for military consumers, but also for commercial customers. Radar systems are still used to detect enemy aircraft, but they also keep commercial air routes safe, detect speeding vehicles on highways, image polar ice caps, assess deforestation in rain forests from satellite platforms, and image objects under foliage or behind walls. A number of other radar applications abound.

  • 2Continuous Wave Radar
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. 17–85(69)

      Continuous wave (CW) radar systems continuously transmit an illumination signal and simultaneously continuously receive echo reflections scattered from objects. If an illuminated object is stationary, the frequency of the echo signal is unchanged from that transmitted. However, if an object is moving, then the frequency of the echo signal is altered due to the Doppler effect. By detecting this Doppler frequency, the object's motion can be determined. The faster the object moves in a given direction, the larger the Doppler frequency.

  • 3MMW Radar Characteristics and Applications
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. 87–116(30)

      Millimeter wave (MMW) radar does not represent a specific radar application but a class of radars that operates over the range of frequencies from 30 GHz to 300 GHz. This corresponds to wavelengths measured in millimeters, hence the name. While the first MMW systems were large and bulky, today's systems have higher effective output powers and greater efficiencies in extremely small packages. This paper presents the unique capabilities and challenges presented by the use of MMW for target detection, tracking, and identification in the current environment for both the defense and commercial market sectors. Implementations and examples are provided along with key operating considerations.

  • 4Fire-Control Radar
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    • p. 117–173(57)

      The concept of a weapons system is a generalized term encompassing a broad spectrum of components and subsystems. These components range from simple devices directed or fired manually by a single individual against one specific class of target to a complex array of components or subsystems that are interconnected via data buses to onboard computers, and data communication links that are capable of performing multiple functions or engaging numerous targets or target classes simultaneously. Although each subsystem may be specifically designed to solve a particular part of the fire-control problem, it is these components operating in seamless concert that allows the whole system to achieve its ultimate goal - the destruction or neutralization of the designated target.

  • 5Airborne Pulse-Doppler Radar
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. 175–249(75)

      The main objective of this chapter is to describe how an airborne pulse-Doppler radar isolates targets of interest from clutter and measures target range and velocity. Related topics such as pulse compression, automatic detection, target tracking, and target and clutter statistics are described. The intent is to present basic principles and concepts. Although some of the approximations used sacrifice generality and rigor for the sake of clarity, they are otherwise fairly accurate for most conditions of interest.

  • 6Multifunction Phased Array Radar Systems
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. 251–283(33)

      This chapter provides an overview of modern multifunction phased array radar systems (MPARSs). The distinguishing feature of a modern MPARS and the principal applications in air and missile defense and airborne radars are presented.

  • 7Ballistic Missile Defense Radar
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. 285–322(38)

      The principal U.S. radars composing this class are listed. While this chapter is focused on BMD, the MW and SSA missions are also addressed in the introduction because a given sensor may perform aspects of all three missions. In the United States, the Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment (ITWAA) system detects and tracks strategic ballistic missile threats to the United States. The current generation of early warning radars (EWRs) supporting the ITWAA mission employs active electronically scanned arrays (AESAs) operating in the ultrahigh frequency (UHF) band. While the United States has deployed geosynchronous satellites to detect missile launches from the short-wave infrared (SWIR) signature of the boost phase, EWRs are critical to verifying and characterizing the attack as well as estimating the impact points of the individual reentry vehicles (RVs). The first generation of missile warning radars employed fixed-beam search radars and mechanically scanned dish radars and was one of the first billion-dollar development projects undertaken by the U.S. defense establishment. The current generation of AESA EWRs provides superior traffic handling and reliability.

  • 8Ground-Based Early Warning Radar (GBEWR): Technology and Signal Processing Algorithms
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    • p. 323–381(59)

      In this chapter, we have described GBEWR, providing some historical, theoretical, and technological details. Specifically, we first introduced the concept of GBEWR and emphasized its importance. Then, we traced back the history of EWR up to the current days, also providing an overview of some commercial products. Then, we focused on transmitter-receiver as well as antenna technology, with an emphasis on the SELEX Sistemi Integrati state of the art. We also discussed advanced signal and data processing techniques exploited in GBEWR-for instance, the important function of BM tracking.

  • 9Surface Moving Target Indication
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    • p. 383–429(47)

      Surface moving target indication (SMTI) involves searching Earth's surface for moving objects using a dedicated radar mode. Ground-moving target indication (GMTI) is a subordinate, commonly referenced mode implying the detection, location, and discrimination of vehicles and personnel (dismounts) against rural, suburban, and urban land settings. The general class of SMTI radar modes also includes searching for vessels against sea, lake, and riverine backgrounds. An SMTI platform can be an aircraft, an unmanned aerial system (UAS), a satellite, an aerostat, or a tower.

  • 10Space-Based SAR for Remote Sensing
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    • p. 431–498(68)

      Space, as with land, sea, and air, is now a well-established operating environment for radars. As in other environments, radars operating in space assume a wide variety of forms and span a wide range of applications. This chapter will focus on satellite-borne synthetic aperture radars (SARs) for remote sensing applications. This is an important and growing field with numerous applications in the areas of oceanography; land use; seismology; volcanology; disaster assessment; and the monitoring of sea ice, maritime economic zones, environmental conditions, etc.

  • 11Passive Bistatic Radar
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. 499–541(43)

      We can conclude that passive bistatic radar has come a long way since the first experiments in the early 1980s - and certainly since the first radar experiments using broadcast signals more than 50 years before that. Potentially, it offers covert operation with simple and low-cost equipment without the need for a transmitting license, and the ability to use parts of the elecromagnetic spectrum not normally available for radar use. The wide variety of broadcast, communications, and radionavigation sources and their excellent spatial coverage gives great scope for PBR. In common with all bistatic radars, it may allow mechanisms such as forward scatter, which enhances the radar signature of targets, to be exploited. The fact that PBR systems can be simple and low cost has meant that they have been very suitable for research by university groups, and there have been numerous publications on the subject.

  • 12Air Traffic Control Radar
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    • p. 543–589(47)

      In this paper, an overview of ATC radar has been provided. ATC radar is the tool used by ATC to control airspace and provide safe and efficient air travel. Currently, there are two classes of ATC radar: ASRs and ARSRs. The S-band ASRs and L-band ARSRs are optimized to perform real-time monitoring of airspace in the terminal and en route environment, respectively. ATC radar employs both PSR (skin track) and SSR (aircraft transponder). A general discussion of PSR and SSR for these radar classes was provided. Weather detection design issues for ATC radar were also discussed. Finally, a look into the future of ATC radar was provided.

  • 13Weather Radar
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    • p. 591–634(44)

      The rest of this chapter begins by describing the general characteristics, specifications, and end uses of some of the common types of weather radar in use today. These radars include the NWS NEXRAD and terminal Doppler weather radar (TDWR) systems, as well as a description of airborne radars. Next, a special form of the radar-range equation will be developed that is suited for describing the volume scattering found in weather-related echoes. The reflectivity factor, Z, will be introduced along with the more common measurement quantity, dBZ. This will be followed by a description of the application of Doppler processing for weather measurements, including several potential pitfalls in this processing, such as range folding and the so-called Doppler dilemma. The methods used to measure important meteorological phenomena will be discussed with an emphasis on the development of the relationship for measurement of rain. The characteristics of hail and snow, as well as clear air and nonmeteorological targets, will also be discussed. Some basic radar characteristics of weather systems such as supercells, tornadoes, and hurricanes will be shown. The chapter concludes with a short discussion of some of the most recent advances in weather-radar systems and processing, including dual-Doppler processing, various mobile weather-radar systems, and some radar systems and concepts currently still in development or on the drawing board.

  • 14Foliage-Penetrating Radar
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    • p. 635–689(55)

      Foliage-penetrating (FOPEN) radar is a relatively modern capability for surveillance and earth resource monitoring. It had been well known for several decades that radar could propagate efficiently through forests at frequencies below 1 GHz. But it was not until the 1960s that the propagation loss and clutter scattering models were effectively developed to provide reasonable expectations that fixed and moving objects could be detected. More importantly, the technology for effective waveform design and signal processing was not available until the advent of coherent sources and high-speed digital processing.

  • 15Ground-Penetrating Radar
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    • p. 691–748(58)

      This chapter discusses the design of a pulsed-ground penetrating radar (GPR) system, radar transmitters, radar receivers and radar antennas.

  • 16Police Radar
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    • p. 749–778(30)

      Police radar is one of many radar systems that every reader may have had or may have an up-close and personal experience with. Police radar, when used by a properly trained operator, can be very accurate in determining a motorist's speed. When used by a poorly trained operator or within a political jurisdiction using radar as a means to raise revenue, however, an innocent motorist can be fined, get points on their driving record, and possibly lose both their driver's license and their automobile insurance. For this reason, it is important to understand not only the technology, but also the operational challenges.

  • Back Matter
    • + Show details- Hide details
    • p. (1)

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What are the basic principles of radar? ›

The basic principle behind radar is simple - extremely short bursts of radio energy (traveling at the speed of light) are transmitted, reflected off a target and then returned as an echo. Radar makes use of a phenomenon we have all observed, that of the ECHO PRINCIPLE.

What is the principle and use of sonar and radar 3? ›

Hint: SONAR and RADAR both work on the principle of echo detection that bounces off an object. RADAR uses radio waves for detection purposes and SONAR uses ultrasonic waves to detect and locate underwater objects and their distances. Both have their application in the defence and military.

What are the principles of CW radar? ›

Principles of Continuous Wave Radar

Continuous Wave Radar operates by continuously transmitting a non-stop radio frequency signal in the direction of a target and receiving the pondered sign. The absence of wonderful pulse durations, a feature of pulsed radar structures, distinguishes CW radar.

What are the primary radar principles? ›

Principle of operation The radar antenna rotates (usually at 5-12 rpm) emits a pulse of radio wave. Upon reaching an aircraft (or other object) the wave is reflected and some of the energy is returned to the antenna.

What is the principle operation and application of a radar system? ›

radar, electromagnetic sensor used for detecting, locating, tracking, and recognizing objects of various kinds at considerable distances. It operates by transmitting electromagnetic energy toward objects, commonly referred to as targets, and observing the echoes returned from them.

Can radar detect humans? ›

By using UWB radar, the Radar Cross Section (RCS) (see section 2.4) of a human body and external body-part motions such as walking and hands and feet movements can be detected.

What is level 3 radar? ›

NEXRAD Level 3 products are used to remotely detect atmospheric features, such as precipitation, precipitation-type, storms, turbulence and wind, for operational forecasting and data research analysis.

How does modern radar work? ›

The word radar comes from the acronym radio detection and ranging. As the name implies, radars use radio waves to determine the distance and velocity of the targets they hit. A radar system usually consists of a transmitter to send out radio signals and a receiver to catch any reflected energy from targets.

Why sonar instead of radar? ›

While radar can effectively move through or around various environmental conditions, it is much less effective underwater. The electromagnetic waves of radar are absorbed in large bodies of water within feet of transmission. Instead, we use Sonar in underwater applications.

What are the principles of tracking radar system? ›

In tracking mode the radar continuously tracks one space object, so as to obtain successive data such as angle measurement, ranging, range rate, phase, and amplitude of radar echoes. These data will further be used to calculate the object orbital elements.

What are the fundamental principles of radar? ›

Radar sets use the echo to determine the direction and distance of the reflecting object. It refers to electronic equipment that detects the presence of objects by using reflected electromagnetic energy. Under some conditions, radar system can measure the direction, height, distance, course, and speed of these objects.

What is the biggest disadvantage of CW radar? ›

Continuous Wave (CW) Radar - Advantages: Measures velocity well, lower power use, smaller hardware. - Disadvantages: Struggles with simultaneous range and velocity measurement, limited range. 3. Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) Radar - Advantages: Measures range and velocity, higher accuracy, low power.

Why can't CW radar measure range? ›

In other words, a simple continuous-wave radar device without frequency modulation has the disadvantage that it cannot determine target range because it lacks the timing mark necessary to allow the system to time accurately the transmit and receive cycle and to convert this into range.

What are the basic principles of radar speed measurement? ›

The RADAR's antenna is able to detect and process two reflected signals. One signal from the stationary terrain and second signal from the target vehicle. The signal returning from the target has undergone a frequency change know as the high Doppler Shift (higher frequency.)

What are the basic functions of radar? ›

The primary purpose is to measure both the amplitude and frequency of the aggregate reflected signal from multiple distances. This is used with weather radar to measure radial wind velocity and precipitation rate in each different volume of air.

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